пятница, 28 августа 2015 г.

The Life Gamble

An athlete gambles with his life jumping over the Berlin wall to defect to the West where he finds himself gambling with other peoples lives.

Director: Walker Haynes

Walker is a successful director and filmmaker. His company A STREAM IN THE DESERT PRODUCTIONS, LLC has taken movie projects from the writing process through production and post-production. He has produced feature films which have sold domestically to LIONSGATE, as well as internationally to PLAYARTE, JY Entertainment, OMG, VIEWSTER AG, and others. His Directing debut, HAMLET'S GHOST premiered at the Festival de Cannes Marché du Film in 2014.


Film Type:Short
Runtime:13 minutes 15 seconds
Completion Date:February 24, 2015
Production Budget:10,000 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Film Language:English

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